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Bethany Dawson

Author // Writer // Editor

Latest Journal Entries

Hanging Washing

At this time, we are all artists engaged in the act of re-imagining reality. We are experiencing loss, grief and possibility. To understand and interpret it requires courage and creativity. With a husband navigating the front line tensions of intensive care and three very sociable children missing their family and friends, life can feel heavy. […]

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The Body Tells Many Truths

This article first appeared in Roots and Wings Magazine, a beautiful publication that celebrates women and their quest for authenticity. There are four small scars on my right shoulder where an adolescent lion pounced on me during a safari walk. Apparently, he was picking me off as a straggler at the back of a pack […]

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A Creative Life

How to integrate stillness as a creative practice. I sat this week on my plastic chair tucked into the reeds at our ‘secret lake’ and watched a water rail step through the mud. They are notoriously shy wading birds that you might hear but never set eyes on. It squeals like someone being hurt and […]

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The Bees and the Birds: Home Education through Nature Study

This article first appeared in The Green Parent Magazine. “Look, mum, there are black bees buzzing everywhere,” my then four-year old said, drawing my attention to a dark cloud of insects. I adjusted the newborn strapped to my chest and grabbed the hand of my three-year-old to watch the silvery-black Ashy Mining Bees streaming from […]

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